Health Economics.
Edificio de Economía, Empresa y Turismo.
Módulo D. Campus de Tafira.
E-35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
928 451 807
Despacho: D4.23
The opportunity cost of funding new medicines: an attempt to measure the invisible
L. Vallejo-Torres, D.J. Vanness, M. Paulden, K. Claxton. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2025, 39, pp. e - 102460.
Journal article
Assessment of potentially unnecessary antibiotic use for suspected urinary tract infections in nursing homes using a simplified algorithm
Carl Llor, Jonas Olsen, Jesper Lykkegaard, Marilena Anastasaki, Jette Nygaard Jensen, Jens Søndergaard, Valeria Antsupova, Davorina Petek, Malene Plejdrup Hansen, Marie Theut, Christos Lions, Lina Jaruseviciene, Ruta Radzeviciene, András Bálint, Helena Glasova, Jozef Glasa, Nina Sodja, Ana Moragas, Ramon Monfà, Ana García-Sangenís, Anna Kowalczyk, Georg Ruppe, Laura Vallejo-Torres, Marina Elistratova, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Greta Tsoulchai. Exper Review of Anti-infective Therapy, 2025, pp. 1 - 7 (In Press).
Journal article
Impact of a multifaceted intervention programme on antibiotic prescribing and dispensing in four patient-centred settings in five European countries. The HAPPY PATIENT project
García-Sangenís A, Jesper Lykkegaard, Malene Plejdrup Hansen, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Fabiana Raynal, Laura Vallejo-Torres, Lars Bjerrum, Athina Chalkidou, Jette Nygaard Jensen, Ingrid Rebnord, Bent Håkan Lindberg, Katja Taxis, Maarten Lambert, Ruta Radzeviciene, Lina Jaruseviciene, Pia Touboul Lundgren, Pascale Bruno, Vanessa Lesage, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciej Godycki-Cwirko, Christos Lionis, Maria-Nefeli Karkana, Marilena Anastasaki, Matilde Bøgelund Hansen, Jonas Kanstrup Olsen, Jens Søndergaard, Daniela Modena, Stella Mally, Laura Álvarez, Carl Llor . Family Practice, 2025, 42, pp. e - cmae064.
Journal article
Exploring the uptake of economic evaluation in Spanish reports positioning medicines for public reimbursement
L. Vallejo-Torres, J. Oliva-Moreno, F. Lobo. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2024 (In Press).
Journal article
Estimating the Incremental Cost Per QALY Produced by the Spanish NHS: A Fixed-Effect Econometric Approach
L. Vallejo-Torres. Pharmacoeconomics, 2024.
Journal article
Improving antibiotic use in nursing homes by infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship (IMAGINE): protocol for a before-and-after intervention and implementation study
A. García-Sangenís, D. Moderna, JN. Jensen, A. Chalkidou, VS. Antsupova, T. Marloth, AM. Theut, B. González López-Valcárcel, F. Raynal, L. Vallejo-Torres, Lykkegaard J, Hansen MP, Søndergaard J, Olsen JK, Munck A, Balint A, Benko R, Petek D, Sodja N, Kowalczyk A, Godycki-Cwirko M, Glasová H, Glasa J, Radzeviciene Jurgute R, Jaruseviciene L, Lionis C, Anastasaki M, Angelaki A, Petelos E, Alvarez L, Ricart M, Briones S, Ruppe G, Monfà R, Bjerrum A, Llor C... JMIR Research Protocols, 2024, 16 (13).
Journal article
Challenges of calculating cost-effectiveness thresholds
L. Vallejo-Torres, K. Claxton, L.C. Edney, J. Karnon, J. Lomas, J. Ochalek, M. Paulden, N. Stadhouders, D.J. Vanness. THE LANCET Global Health, 2023, 11 (10), pp. e - 1508.
Journal article
Increased peripartum mortality associated with maternal subclinical malaria in Mozambique
N. Jaén-Sánchez, G. González-Azpeitia, C. Carranza-Rodriguez, N. Manwere, P. Garay-Sánchez, L. Vallejo-Torres, J.L. Pérez-Arellano. Malaria Journal, 2023, 12 (22).
Journal article
The Broader Opportunity Costs in the Broader Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Framework
L. Vallejo-Torres. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2023, 21, pp. 373 - 384.
Journal article
Effects of HIV infection and/or malaria on maternal and neonatal health in a high-prevalence setting
N. Jaén-Sánchez, G. González-Azpeitia, , C. Carranza-Rodriguez, A. Joaquim Muianganisso, L. Vallejo-Torres, J.L. Pérez-Arellano. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2023, 28 (2), pp. 98 - 106.
Journal article
Centralisation of specialist cancer surgery services in two areas of England: the RESPECT-21 mixed-methods evaluation
N.J. Fulop, A.I.G. Ramsay, C. Vindrola-Padros, C.S. Clarke, R. Hunter, G. Black, V.J. Wood, M. Melnychuk, C. Perry, L. Vallejo-Torres, P.L. Ng, R. Barod, A. Bex, R. Boaden, A. Bhuiya, V. Brinton, P.H.J. Fahy, C. Levermore, S. Maddineni, M.M. Mughal, K. Pritchard-Jones, J. Sandell, D. Shackley, M. Tran, S. Morris. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 2023, 11 (2).
Journal article
Association between maternal and paternal employment and their children's weight status and unhealthy behaviours: does it matter who the working parent is?
N. Zozaya, J. Oliva-Moreno, L. Vallejo-Torres. BMC Public Health, 2022 (1331).
Journal article
Cost-effectiveness of multicomponent interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus in a cluster randomised controlled trial: the INDICA study
L. García-Pérez, Y. Ramallo-Fariña , L. Vallejo-Torres, L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, H. González-Pacheco, B. Santos-Hernández, M.A. García-Bello, A.M. Wägner, M. Carmona, P.G. Serrano-Aguila & INDICA Team. BMJ Open, 2022, 12 (4), pp. e - 058049.
Journal article
Socioeconomic and contextual determinants of the burden of disease attributable to metabolic risks in childhood
L. Vallejo-Torres, B. González López-Valcárcel. Frontiers in Public Health , 2022, 08 (Nov.).
Journal article
Are Estimates of the Health Opportunity Cost Being Used to Draw Conclusions in Published Cost-Effectiveness Analyses? A Scoping Review in Four Countries
L. Vallejo-Torres, B. García-Lorenzo, L. Catherine E., Niek Stadhouders, I. Edoka, I. Castilla-Rodríguez, L. García-Pérez, R.Linertová, C. Valcárcel-Nazco, J. Karnon . Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2021 (In Press).
Journal article
Empirical Estimates of the Marginal Cost of Health Produced by a Healthcare System: Methodological Considerations from Country-Level Estimates
L. Edney, J. Lomas, J. Karnon, L. Vallejo-Torres, N. Stadhouders, J. Siverskog, M. Paulden, I. Edoka, J. Ochalek. PharmacoEconomics , 2021 (In Press).
Journal article
The costs of COVID-19 and the cost-effectiveness of testing
L. Vallejo-Torres, B. González López-Valcárcel. Applied Economic Analysis, 2021, 29 (85), pp. 77 - 89.
Journal article
The Economic Impact of the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Spain
J. Pinilla, P. Barber, L. Vallejo-Torres, S. Rodriguez-Mireles, B. González López-Valcárcel, L. Serra-Majem. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (9), pp. e - 4708.
Journal article
La transformación digital del sector sanitario
B. González López-Valcárcel, L. Vallejo-Torres, J. Pinilla. Economistas, 2021, 174 (Julio 2021), pp. 75 - 84.
Journal article
Evaluación económica de programas de vacunación en la población pediátrica.
L. Vallejo-Torres. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria, 2020, 22, pp. 85 - 94.
Journal article
¿Cuál es el verdadero coste de incluir la vacuna 4CMenB (Bexsero) en el calendario infantil?
L. Vallejo-Torres. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria, 2020, 22, pp. 77 - 80.
Journal article
The Effect of the Economic Crisis on Adolescents’ Perceived Health and Risk Behaviors: A Multilevel Analysis
N. Zozaya , L. Vallejo-Torres. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17 (2).
Journal article
The societal monetary value of a QALY associated with EQ-5D-3L health gains.
L. Vallejo-Torres, B. García-Lorenzo, O. Rivero-Arias, JL. Pinto-Prades. European Journal of Health Economics, 2020, 21, pp. 363 - 379.
Journal article
Blog Nada es Gratis: Qué puede hacer la sanidad por la economía: el coste-efectividad de las estrategias de test, rastreo y aislamiento
B. González López-Valcárcel, L. Vallejo-Torres. 2020.
Other publications
Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in Surgical Patients Subjected to CIPA Nutrition Screening and Treatment versus Standard Care.
JP. Suárez-Llanos, A. Rosat-Rodrigo, J. García-Niebla, L. Vallejo-Torres, I. Delgado-Brito, MA. García-Bello, F. Pereyra-García-Castro, MA. Barrera-Gómez. Nutrients, 2019, 11 (4).
Journal article
Cost-effectiveness analysis of a surveillance program to prevent hip dislocation in children with cerebral palsy.
L. Vallejo-Torres, A. Rivero-Santana, C. Martin-Saborido, D. Epstein, L. Perestelo-Pérez, CL. Castellano-Fuentes, A. Escobar-Martínez, P. Serrano-Aguilar. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2019 (In Press).
Journal article
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention to implement a clinical practice guideline for systemic lupus erythematosus: protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Trujillo-Martín MM, Ramallo-Fariña Y, Del Pino-Sedeño T, Rúa-Figueroa Í, Trujillo-Martín E, L. Vallejo-Torres, Imaz-Iglesia I, Sánchez-de-Madariaga R, de Pascual-Medina AM, Serrano-Aguilar P; SLE-CPG-Implementation Group.. BMC Health Serv Res, 2019, 19 (1).
Journal article
Cost-effectiveness of the hospital nutrition screening tool CIPA
J.P. Suárez-Llanos, L. Vallejo-Torres, M.A. García-Bello, C. Hernández-Carballo, E.M. Calderón-Ledezma, A. Rosat-Rodrigo, I. Delgado-Brito, F. Pereyra-García-Castro, N. Benitez-Brito, N. Felipe-Pérez, Y. Ramallo-Fariña, J.C. Romero-Pérez. Archives of Medical Science, 2019.
Journal article
Innovación tecnológica y financiación de prestaciones
C. Campillo Artero, L. Vallejo-Torres, N. Zozaya. Cuadernos económicos de ICE, 2018, 96, pp. 9 - 34.
Journal article
Risk factors and prognosis of complicated urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitalized patients: a retrospective multicenter cohort study
A. Gomila, J. Carratalà, N. Eliakim-Raz, E. Shaw, I. Wiegand, L. Vallejo-Torres, A. Gorostiza, J.M. Vigo, S. Morris, M. Stoddart, S. Grier, C. Vank, N. Cuperus, L. Van den Heuvel, C. Vuong, A. MacGowan, L. Leibovici, I. Addy, M. Pujol; COMBACTE MAGNET WP5 RESCUING Study Group and Study Group. Infect Drug Resist., 2018, 18 (11), pp. 2571 - 2581.
Journal article
Predictive factors for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria among hospitalised patients with complicated urinary tract infections.
A. Gomila, E. Shaw, J. Carratalà, L. Leibovici, C. Tebé, I. Wiegand, L. Vallejo-Torres, J.M.Vigo, S. Morris, M. Stoddart, S. Grier, C. Vank, N. Cuperus, L. Van den Heuvel, N. Eliakim-Raz, C. Vuong, A. MacGowan, I. Addy, M.Pujol. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 2018, 14 (7).
Journal article
Cost-effectiveness analysis of real-time continuous monitoring glucose compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose for diabetes mellitus in Spain
B. García-Lorenzo, A. Rivero-Santana, L. Vallejo-Torres, I. Castilla-Rodríguez, S. García-Pérez, L. García-Pérez, L. Perestelo-Pérez. J Eval Clin Pract., 2018, 24 (4), pp. 772 - 781.
Journal article
The cost of hospitalised patients due to complicated urinary tract infections – A retrospective observational study in countries with high prevalence of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria: the COMBACTE-MAGNET, RESCUING study
L. Vallejo-Torres, M. Pujol, E. Shaw, I. Wiegand, J.M: Vigo, M. Stoddart, S. Grier, J. Gibbs, C. Vank, N. Cuperus, L. van den Heuvel, N. Eliakim-Raz, J. Carratala, C. Vuong, A. MacGowan,T. Babich, L. Leibovici, I. Addy, S. Morris. BMJ Open, 2018, 12 (8).
Journal article
Economic consequences of over-diagnosis of threatened preterm labor.
M. Coloma, F. Kang, L. Vallejo-Torres, P. Díaz, Y. Méndez, M. Álvarez de la Rosa. Int J Gynaecol Obstet., 2018, 141, pp. 200 - 205.
Journal article
Discrete-choice experiment to analyse preferences for centralizing specialist cancer surgery services.
L. Vallejo-Torres, M. Melnychuk, C. Vindrola-Padros, M. Aitchison, C.S. Clarke, N.J. Fulop, J. Hines, C. Levermore, S.B. Maddineni, C. Perry, K.Pritchard-Jones, A.I.G. Ramsay, D.C. Shockley, S. Morris. British Journal of Surgery, 2018, 105 (5), pp. 587 - 596.
Journal article
Estimating a cost-effectiveness threshold for the Spanish NHS
L. Vallejo-Torres, B. García-Lorenzo, P. Serrano-Aguilar. Health Economics, 2018, 24 (4), pp. 746 - 761.
Journal article
Obesity and perceived work discrimination in Spain
L. Vallejo-Torres, S. Morris, B. González López-Valcárcel. Applied Economics, 2018, 50 (36), pp. 3870 - 3884.
Journal article
Primary care supply and quality of care in England
L. Vallejo-Torres, S. Morris. European Journal of Health Economics, 2018, 19 (4), pp. 499 - 519.
Journal article
IMAGINE. Improving antibiotic use in long term care facilities by infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship
I.P. / P.I: Carl Llor.
Otros Colaboradores / Co-I: B. González López-Valcárcel, L. Vallejo-Torres, P. Barber, J. Pinilla, Fabiana.
Año inicial / Start date: 2023.
Duración / Duration: 3 Años / Years.
Entidad financiadora / Financing Entity: Comisión Europea.
Número de referencia / Reference number: Convocatoria EU4H-2021-PJ2.
Health Alliance for Prudent Prescription and Yield of Antibiotics in a Patient-centered Perspective (Happy Patient).
I.P. / P.I: Carl Llor.
Otros Colaboradores / Co-I: B. González López-Valcárcel, P. Barber, L. Vallejo-Torres, J. Pinilla, Fabiana.
Año inicial / Start date: 2021.
Duración / Duration: 3 Años / Years.
Entidad financiadora / Financing Entity: Comisión Europea.
Número de referencia / Reference number: Convocatoria HP-PJ-2019.
Web del proyecto:
OpenDx28. Red Macaronésica de diagnóstico abierto
I.P. / P.I: B. González López-Valcárcel.
Otros Colaboradores / Co-I: P. Barber, L. Vallejo-Torres, J. Pinilla, Marina.
Año inicial / Start date: 2021.
Duración / Duration: 2 Años / Years.
Entidad financiadora / Financing Entity: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Número de referencia / Reference number: .
MACBIOIDI2. Contribuyendo a la cohesión e internalización de la macaronesia para impulsar los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible con las TICs y la I+D+I biomédica.
I.P. / P.I: B. González López-Valcárcel.
Otros Colaboradores / Co-I: P. Barber, L. Vallejo-Torres, J. Pinilla, M. Fernández-Colomer.
Año inicial / Start date: 2021.
Duración / Duration: 2 Años / Years.
Entidad financiadora / Financing Entity: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Número de referencia / Reference number: .
I.P. / P.I: L. Vallejo-Torres.
Año inicial / Start date: 2019.
Duración / Duration: 3 Años / Years.
Entidad financiadora / Financing Entity: Programa Estatal de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. .
Número de referencia / Reference number: RTI2018-096365-J-I00.