Cost-effectiveness analysis of real-time continuous monitoring glucose compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose for diabetes mellitus in Spain
B. García-Lorenzo, A. Rivero-Santana, L. Vallejo-Torres, I. Castilla-Rodríguez, S. García-Pérez, L. García-Pérez, L. Perestelo-Pérez. J Eval Clin Pract., 2018, 24 (4), pp. 772 - 781.   Fulltext   Abstract
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Predictive factors for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria among hospitalised patients with complicated urinary tract infections.
A. Gomila, E. Shaw, J. Carratalà, L. Leibovici, C. Tebé, I. Wiegand, L. Vallejo-Torres, J.M.Vigo, S. Morris, M. Stoddart, S. Grier, C. Vank, N. Cuperus, L. Van den Heuvel, N. Eliakim-Raz, C. Vuong, A. MacGowan, I. Addy, M.Pujol. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 2018, 14 (7).   Fulltext   Abstract
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